Sarasota Apostolic Christian Church Winter Assembly Plan
We are thankful to continue our assembling together to worship during this time of continued COVID concerns. We will continue to have Sunday services in the sanctuary with video live streaming of the services in the Fellowship Hall for those needing a safer environment. Service times are as follows:
Morning Service: Singing at 10:15 AM, service at 10:30 AM.
Lite Lunch: 45 minutes (church dining room or outside. Not in Fellowship Hall)
Afternoon Service: Singing at 12:15 PM, service at 12:30 PM
Below is a summary of the protocol that we ask all to follow during this time:
We are thankful to continue our assembling together to worship during this time of continued COVID concerns. We will continue to have Sunday services in the sanctuary with video live streaming of the services in the Fellowship Hall for those needing a safer environment. Service times are as follows:
Morning Service: Singing at 10:15 AM, service at 10:30 AM.
Lite Lunch: 45 minutes (church dining room or outside. Not in Fellowship Hall)
Afternoon Service: Singing at 12:15 PM, service at 12:30 PM
Below is a summary of the protocol that we ask all to follow during this time:
- Current Protocols
- Anyone traveling from the north should not come to church or attend group functions outside of church for a 7-day period after arrival. We ask that everyone (locals and visitors) respect and follow the intent of this requirement, which is to provide protection for all those attending church services during the winter months when we have a high rate of turnover of attendees.
- Individuals that are sick with fever or any associated symptoms should not attend any church or group function. The symptoms include new loss of taste or smell, fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, headaches or sore throat
- Those individuals that are most vulnerable, including the elderly and anyone with compromised health, are encouraged not to attend during this time. These, however, are personal decisions that will be left to each individual to make and we will respect those decisions.
- Contact tracing: The primary way outbreaks spread in a close community is when the family of an infected individual spreads the illness before they show symptoms. Families with a known positive case must self-quarantine for 7-10 days. Notify church contact person (Suellen Kaeb) if contact is made with an infected individual or if there is a positive case in your family.
- Face Masks are recommended, other than those who cannot medically tolerate wearing a facemask and children under the age of 5.
- Use hand sanitizer and wash hands often.
- Maintain six (6) feet social distancing as much as possible. Visiting outside over the lunch time is encouraged to maintain appropriate social distancing.
- Refrain from handshake or other contact greeting.
- For seating in the sanctuary: Sit in every other bench as indicated by the sticker at the end of each bench. Maintain at least six feet physical separation from others or from other groups such as families sitting together.
- Anyone traveling from the north should not come to church or attend group functions outside of church for a 7-day period after arrival. We ask that everyone (locals and visitors) respect and follow the intent of this requirement, which is to provide protection for all those attending church services during the winter months when we have a high rate of turnover of attendees.
- Special Fellowship Hall Restrictions
- The Fellowship Hall will be used during AM & PM services for those who wish to worship and fellowship in a safer environment. The services will be video live streamed from the sanctuary into the fellowship hall.
- Adequate facial coverings are mandatory, hand sanitization and temperature screening will be conducted at the door.
- We pray that this will permit even our most vulnerable and most isolated brethren to assemble without jeopardizing their health.
- Lunch
- For those serving lunch, please use pre-packaged food as much as possible and keep lunches simple to minimize contact. Please bring enough to provide pre-packaged food on a table in the fellowship hall.
- For those who prefer to maintain an assured social distance during meals (every other seat is not 6 ft), please feel free to eat outside or bring your own lunch.
- Do not eat or drink in the Fellowship Hall as this would entail unmasking.
- Use hand sanitizer before and after eating
- Sit every other seat
(from Apostolic Christian Counseling
winter_plan.pdf |
accfs_coronavirus_resource_list.docx |